Royals` scent must attract deer fliesEverytime he makes one of his cordial visits to this forum he leaves behind a pesky group of deer flies for me to THWAP.
Case in point, the pesky little leodevoe.
Where should we start with you today Leo? Your memory? I seem to recall that in discussion before the advent of the Wi-Fi6 standard that you issued the following statement which is around the same time some marketing people convinced you to spend a wad upgrading your home network.
You made the statement that no improvement above the current wi-fi technology available at that time was required for the present and distant future.
Since that time a whole industry that you defend has blatantly disagreed with you. If you were standing next to Biden and Harris on a windy day it would be a toss up as to who would bend the most. You are the epitome of what we refer to in the industry as not even a useful idiot.