RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:market movementNobody doubts your investment in and loyalty to CJ. At least, I don't. GLTY and all CJ investors.
That does not mean however that I believe your anecdotal "oil executive" "evidence" . LOL
Or theirs. Especially if they said: "of coarse".
FYI the "kool-aid" drinkers were that part of the conspiracy believing minority that bought into Jim Jones's spiel enough to drink it down heartily. The ones that didn't were still part of the minority conspiracy buying group and hid in the jungle from the armed guards rather than drink the "kool-aid" but they still bought into the conspiracy enough to go to Jonestown. The majority of non-conspiracy believers watched it all unfold in the comfort of their homes on their TVs as the non-"kool-aid" drinkers were being rescued from the jungle. Just because you're not drinking the "kool-aid" doesn't mean everyone else is and it also doesn't mean that you're not crouched in the jungle hiding from armed guards.
Ok SPR. Here's where the facts get twisted.
1. Biden administration sells off SPR to lower oil and gasoline prices.
Conspiracy pushers: He doing it for political gain to garner votes through cheaper gas prices.
Okay. But then:
2. Biden administration buys oil to refill SPR.
Conspiracy pushers: He's lowering oil prices to fill the SPR on the cheap.
If they can lower oil prices without selling the SPR oil then why did they sell the SPR oil in the first place?
Selling the SPR oil didn't help politically aside from lower oil prices. In fact it hurt.
So if they could lower oil prices invisibly by magic, why take the political and strategic hit that came with reducing the SPR?
What you seem to suggest now is a sucking and blowing simultaneously anaology that doesn't wash except among ardent conspiracy pushers.
As for explaining the OPEC+ reductions not affecting price? At the time most OPEC+ nations couldn't meet and were not meeting the oil quota caps they were already allowed. The cuts meant nothing and the market knew this hence no oil price jump.
I know, I know...explanations are "kool-aid" not to be drank by those hiding in the jungle.
But fact based ones make sense to the majority of us not crouching among the fawn and flora. ;-)
GLTY and all