Reality CheckTUD has a mkt cap ot $180 million and owns 60% of TC
AMK owns 20% of TC - so based on TUD, value would be $60 million (without factorin in the free carry to production decision). BUT it is trading at $90 million! WHy? Cuz a Pink SHeet related private co with NO $$$$ made a NONbinding NONoffer for it!
TUO? It has a $60 million mkt cap. BUt not only does it own 20% of TC, it also owns:
-FReakin NSR on TC!!! WOrth a fortune!
A portfolio of public shares worth $10 million!
- A few million shares of TUD!
- a portfolio of properties and NSRs!!!!
Yet AMK, who just holds 20% of TC, is trading at a 50% premium to in.