RE:RE:RE:RE:CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CREJaded, welcome as potentially #3-unknown currently unsure as to the tone of your reply!
Good for you to giving a Like to the idiot. ... or sorry if it was just his alter ego account giving him the like. The other moron - 10cent low" comment is really possible but why even go there without some credentials or details??
Yes, the idiot was correct for, at least what he claims. Nothing like betting or claiming on something in the past. For a guy who sold at the high(LIKELY NOT). WTF just leave the board after you sell rather than pestering us "bag holders".
I'm ivested in many stocks and seldom comment on this board but this idiot railroads this stock too many times a nothing but a basher. He has losses too, im sure, but will never divulge. Should have just pushed the ignore button button but did apprecaite some comments in the past
Yes, Jaded84(and sure jaded forever and with everything), as to your question, I'm well invested in this stock and holding back for better days. As a matter of fact, I held back my TFSA this year and some of my uninvested dividends waiting for where "I think" the bottom will be. For years I was well in under current price point, and optimistically past couple of years averaged up with permitting etc. Unfortunately over the past few months with current stock price, I'm now in the position of being able to average down and will do so when i see fit.
So roses or poop scenario going forward, happy to live with my decision of where i am and whatever happens going forward! I'll come out OK!!!
All that said, my point is the constant attack of where shareholders are in this investment and their investment decisions need not be criticized by "fellow shareholders"... or let me bullboard members.
Let it play out without i told you SOs please. I expect tomoorw i'll add two more ignores to my portofolio but i'll wait for the diabitribe first lol. Just for entertaiment vaue...not stock advice!