RE:MoeA follow-up Big Guy , your unswerving loyalty and dedication to this one , CPG in the Saxsberg era and now VRNwith Bryska deserves some sort of recognition , l would think many would agree with me here , like at least a gold watch in honour to your service or a once in a lifetime stipend for your promotion during thick and thin , mainly thin EH , What was it , oh my $48 bucks but with current shrewd Mgmt moves , it will achieve those once time highs sometime in the next century or so. But at the very least l would think that a raise is in order or at very least access to the Shareholder paid Bad and the Luncheons provided for those that like you have only the best interests of all Shareholders at heart. Feel foolish that l missed this one back then when it narrowly avoided bankruptcy .Live and learn , eH Moe we can't all be winners and call it correct, ,just wish l had your investing accumen.kudos and good wishes.