Revenue Numbers looking very strong w/ USD$1m + for August
From the press release:
During the month of August, the 100% gas production from SASB was about 133.13 MMcf giving a gross total of US$1,456,400 and a Trillion 49% value of US$713,640 with a realized Natural Gas price of about US$10.94. Trillion’s gross oil revenue from Cendere is US$342,700. Trillion’s total gross production revenue for August is US$1,056,340.
The gas revenue from SASB is 95% from Guluc-2 and South Akcakoca-2, both stabilized and 5% from West Akcakoca-1 which has not stabilized and produces intermittently. SASB’s total average production for August was 4.6 MMcf/d. Akcakoca-3 well head pressure (WHP) has continued to increase to a current 583 psi compared to the initial WHP of 100 psi and early this week the well will be opened for a flow test.