2nd DRILL CAMPAIGN - 1st DRILL HOLE WHERE ? New Brunswick is famous for 1200+ meter depth mines.
Several junior explorers seek such attributes.... looking for the deep one.
Here's Slams rendition of Farq zone.
2 Historical holes and Slam's recent 60.60m intercept.
Makes perfect sense to sink the first drill hole - dead center - seeking a true
depth of just how far down the mineralized body extends.
If Slam were to split the difference,
drill in between their WG24 03 new hole and historicals with same pitch
they'd find the center and drill a good 150m
Question becomes....
how many more meters could there be below ?
How deep is this system...?
Another 50m ? 100m ? Another Caribou or Brunswick mine 1200+ meters ?
Only one way to know.... drill the center and let the drilling reveal how deep it really is.
I was surfing nine mile website and came across their NB satellite map which
identifies other junior explorers claims.
Couldn't help but notice,
Slam has a gold claim near Nictau NB.
I couldn't believe my eyes seeing that it was adjacent to the zone i recommended to
Slam to scoop.
I call it the 5 mile zone.
Peer owns lands just south of this 5 mile zone with Slam's gold claim on east side.
I'm baffled as to why either junior missed this 5 mile zone with a good 5-6 mounds
beginning at small google word and extending 5 miles north wasterly.
Blue sulphies, Pink rhyolites, Golden pyrite iron sulphies.
Ideal mix - preferred geology - where brunswick minerals hide.
Sent to Slam... suggesting to swap out lithium claims and replace with 5 miles.
no word back.
Have a look - open in new window.