RE:RE:I wonder why....LOL you call this economy a disastor. Not a bad disastor when you have the ' worlds strongest economy " and when the world leaders call trump a disastor and laugh at him. The last time I looked this administration created 16 million jobs and has one of the lowest inflation rates world wide. With super low unemployment. You think women are weak well trump found out different didn't he, ever heard of thacher or indera gaundi to name a couple. I think this is far more telling. There have been three dem and three republicans in the whitehouse these last 24 years, the republicans created 1 million jobs and added 16 trillion to the debt, the dems created 50 million jobs and only added 3,9 trillion to the debt. Under the republicans buying power for the middle class shrank by 37.2% under the dems it increased 3.1%. Guess what, numbers don't lie republicans lie..