For the FDA BTD approval, SAFETY is a priority...On this board most of the time ,we talk about the high CR% of TLT-Ruvidar, and with good reasons, it is the best CR% of any treatments for incurable BCG resistant patients.
But! There is one very important feature of TLT-Ruvidar not discussed very often, and it is
safety. Safety a major win...
In this link(About FDA's speedy BTD approval)...
The FDA’s Speedy Drug Approvals Are Safe: A Win-Win for Patients and Pharma Innovation - HBS Working Knowledge It said....
If there are ways to accelerate the development of new medicines without compromising their safety, this would be a major win for patients as well as for manufacturers...Regulations in health care product market exist for a very good reason, we don't want drugs that are dangerous being released to the public''. In Short...
For the FDA,
safety is of the utmost importance when giving BTD approval. TLT-Ruvidar is 100% safe.
Who would benefit the most from TLT-Ruvidar being 100% safe?
1) Patients...Patients will be more likely to accept a 100% safe treatment.
2) Doctors...Doctors will be more likely to recommend its patients a 100% safe treatment.
3) Private and government insurance programs. Insurance programs will love a 100% safe treatment.
Because side effects cost extra big money for insurance programs.
4) And that goes without saying, TLT and investors will benefit from a 100% safe treatments.
Note: No other FDA approved treatment for incurable BCG resistant patients is 100% safe.
How much$ is worth a BCG resistant treatment 100% safe and with the best CR%?
That is a very tough question...
Because TLT-Ruvidar is the first treatment for BCG resistant patients, that has both, the best CR% and is 100% safe. Good luck if you want to place a $value on the above.
You have to love TLT-Ruvidar being 100% safe.