RE: Nano One - 220 MM shares outstanding in 2025 Existing share holders might be fleeing to avoid the upcoming dilution. But in fact they should be buying now to average down if dilution is in fact coming. It would be a shame to have held for years through all the developments up to now and then flee right before commercialization just to avoid major dilution. If you were right about Nano, major dilution will still leave you with a good ROI once Nano is solidly in the game.
If dilution to 220 millions shares outstanding is recommended by management and is coming soon (as a reminder, Nano approved the Shelf Prospectus which hpermits Nano to issue shares to raise capital of C$175 million at its discretion out to 2026) then there are few other options other than to average down while the share price is punished down to these low levels in anticipation of the upcoming major dilution.
Dilution hurts but if that is what it takes to get Nano into the game it is a price that will need to be paid. I would prefer no dilution just like everyone else. But if dilution gets us a plant with SMM, government funding, and our first licensing deal, it's really the best move forward.
Average down now to prepare for the upcoming dilution event.