How to invest safely Top-quality stocks tend to lose less of their value in market setbacks. They also tend to bounce back nicely when conditions improve. These are the kinds of stocks we continue to recommend in our newsletters and other services.
To build a portfolio of those stocks—and to show the best long-term results, we think you should stick with our three-part program:
1- Hold mostly high-quality, dividend-paying stocks.
2- Spread your money out across most if not all of the five main economic sectors: Manufacturing & Industry, Resources & Commodities, Consumer, Finance and Utilities.
3- Downplay or stay out of stocks in the broker/media limelight
Meantime, for investors looking to create a good financial plan for how to invest safely for retirement, we recommend keeping it simple and safe, rather than taking on extra risk. For starters, save more now, work longer, or plan to spend less.
Above all, it’s important to remember that while finances are important, the happiest retirees are those who stay busy. You can do that with travel, golf or sailing. But volunteering, or working part-time at something you enjoy, can work just as well.
(TSI - Daily Advice - Sep 13)
P.s. I do think WELL is considered a top quality stock that (for now) is under appricated