What IfsThere are a number of (some new to posting on THRM) posters on CEO that are desperately trying to paint a negative picture on THRM generally and Venowave specifically. This is certainly true as pertains to the "expensive" marketing cost portion of the NR. IMHO these posters fail to consider two important points in the discussion and instead focus on the no. of outstanding shares.
While the no. of outstanding shares is significant, one has to include the facts that Venowave as a purchase or in renting will extremely cost beneficial to the patient (maybe even free in some cases) and you generally have to spend money to make money. If this marketing firm at $25,000/week helps to accelerate device recognition and the sale of the current inventory the money made will far exceed the marketing costs. By leveraging the cash available through the shares for debt issuance to AI4LYF, Rob appears to have hit at least a double.
I also think it can be argued that with the no. of outstanding shares, the addition of 5 million more doesn't represent much if any significant dilution. I don't believe it amounts to much more than 1%.