Great ResultsGreat Results, yet more compelling evidence... but nothing statisically significant.
Interestingly they chose not to mention the possibility of Accelerated Approval with these results... (but that isn't a surprise)... never mind, I'm sure Mr Noteable can copy and paste something of no relevance on this. perhaps he can get a different job working in ONCY's PR dept.
Great OS data is excellent, and the market would think it even more excellent if it weren't on just a handful of patients... we waited 4 years for this data...!!
so, they need to wirte the protocol, get it approved, get the study sites in place... so experience of ONCY would suggest this trial could start in Q2 2025. Getting the funding though... that's a tough one... as they failed to capitalise on their partnership with Adlai Nortye, and after 10+ years of saying they are in discussions with Big Pharma, one would think funding this next "registration-enabling" study would be easy....
Anyone any ideas in how they might raise 80 million..??