RE:RE:SometimesIS it possible the Pressure on AMK is 2fold? Perhaps one of the reasons overlooked is as hard as these guys tried to cap TUD and kept it at 70cts see the need to keep AMK down so TUD didnt get away on them as they close out short positions and desperately try to accumulate shares for the inevitable breakout coming in this sector? Or is it GEM and or Cunningham involved buying up the company on the cheap?? I do not claim to know but there are several possibilities here! yes they play one against the other but the objective isnt always clear / I did the math on TUD when the Halt came and the FMV on TUD was closer to 2.80 in comparison to AMK at .43 yet there was a Large sell at .78 to suggest a problem in which case I had to say Thankyou / An hour later it has already risen 15% / Today its at 1.10 plus but still hugely undervalued / so yes with AMK below 30 these boiler room bandits can paint a picture of doubt and confusion but the smart money is pouring into TUD because the writing is on the wall / the good thing about this is as TUD rises should AMK fall apart the lows are no longer as low / the spread is narrowing !! and should this crumble it will get scooped up quickly and the fun and games start all over again / the PEA will advance this project and the buyers coming along will be paying a lot more if Gold continues to squeeze shorts / the Tecks and Newmonts are on the hunt in Treaty Creek. Patient money here / for all we know SEA may have wanted a hostile takeover and AMk did this deal to protect our backsides?? who knows all guess work.. what we do know is what you see is often not what you get..
In resposnse to this prior Post:
" When the deal was announced a couple of weeks ago I really piled in. Hey, 43 cents seemed like easy money. Yet amk has been going down almost every day while TUD & tuo go up
Sorry for rambling, just starting to get very frustrated"