RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:ENOUGH about the carbon tax already...Sooner or later inflation would have come down , with interest over 5% , don't forget the libtards and Justine do make bad decisions for Canada and castreau did scandals after scandals , he's not fit to be in charge , he got there because his last name , ya ok tsx up , inflation down, but under the libtards nothing will improve for Canadians , the debt is too big , Justine is a little brat we can't trust , he's not fit to do what he does with a drama school degree , he never really work hard , just a rich kid and can't relate to most Canadians , we get bullied by the USA and Justine too weak to react we need strong leadership , maybe the libtards could be good without Justine but he won't go .....