He's also taking a selfie with Matt Liukas Consensus CapitalAnd Matt looks like he is endared to Bundeep. I hope that's another investor from Consenus Capital pictured in the "about" section, pictured as the CEO and matching up with Bundeep's photograph:
Consensus Capital Need more endorsements. If they participate in our penny offering, that's more mouths to feed yet powerful people that want a return. David Seimer is with Bundeep once again, so maybe he has influence in all of this.
Cindy Amar seems to have fallen off the planet. Quiet as a mouse and no updates at Glass Ventures. Nothing out there that I can find that she is even at this Token2049 with everybody else.
Maybe she's working on the site's promise? "
We are aiming for a first close date of end of September 2024, for which participants will get the upside of very discounted stakes in companies that are well on their way to success"
I hope so.