Here Is the Solution, and Is Greed Good, If Only a Brain ??? it appears the question now is IF exsnor has/will have the money to fully execute it's orders....???
....That's a powerful statement from the Globe...moo..
....Folks, it is a Simple answer and why won't Exro step, up???
...Here is the solution....All Employees give up 35% of their salary for 6 months....BOD go stuff themselves or get off the board....
.......Management gives up 60% of their Salary for 1 Year.....Simple as Simple can be........when is Greed Not Good, when you don't sell squat and give yourself raises and overpayment....moo.
...they lose 60% for1 year....shareholders have lost 90% over the last couple years to make up for their raises....and yet the lemmings still left just say, it's ok.....someday over the Rainbow....moo
....where did pampers dranNo, and Judith go..lmao...moo