This Financing is no surprise!!!Good sign that they are able too raise much needed money..As they stated with their G42 $10 milion investment filing that they are preparing for a hugh valuation increase and to raise up to an aggregate $350 million dollars sometime soon. As they continue to validate their AI spatial web GENIUS platform (Active Inference) many large TECH Microsoft, OpenAI, G42 and many others in particular "APPLE", will look to this Verses AI technology patform Genius as a viable new AI software to bring enterprise value to all industries globally and usher in a new IOS for the new WEB and is on strong path to AGI.
All good my opinion. Risk reward is HUGH and massive as they validate..Its a HOLD, and its an opportunity to be part of this discovered technology. Time will tell of coarse..we shall see. BUY & HOLD...Do your own DD and don't let negative fake posters convince you othervise. Financing is and will continue to be on the forfront with more news coming as they continue to validate..Good Luck!!!