Thoughts on today's news! This is great news and is just one more brick in the foundation of PWM. It sounds like all interested parties are Majors and in terms of the market a strategic deal with a major is the catalyst we need to see appreciation in the SP. The strategic partnership will also push this story onto the desks of institutions and no doubt analysts. With an estimated capex in the tens of millions these Majors could provide the funding necessary for production out of what they call petty cash. Chris Evans stated that they were getting alot of interest in the Cesium from North America, Japan and South Korea. Then last week in Haydn's interview he confirmed the interest and with this news release it certainly supports that a deal will be done. The money from Ontario is far from the most important part of the grant it is the fact that Ontario is recognizing Case Lake as part of the supply chain solution and could close the loop from basic material supply right through to manufacturing. Todays news adds to my comfort level that Case Lake will be put into production. GLTA