JR! WHY do you seem to insist on calling yourself Geep, Larry60, Stocksandrocks, Gotcha99, jrminer etc and posting the same spiel over and over again? Look, son... I've told you before that people see this, it completely discredits you! Just pick a name and stand by it like a real man!
Everyone knows that Cunningham is $fully$ backed by GEM to purchase AMK as soon as those tokens get listed on an exchange. That's right, all they have to do is list! If Cunningham can't pay GEM back within the next few years long after the AMK ticker is sold, that's their problem.
My boy, I've enrolled you with Hooked on Phonics, private reading comprehension tutors; I even purchased you a Tickle Me Elmo! But, my little man.... You're 45r yr.'s old now, there is no hope for you and I still blame you for mom leaving us.....
Junior. Don't blame Kelvin for your lack of comprehension.
Love ya kiddo!