Is the ongoing silence a positive or a negative?Personally I think the best thing Fobi has done this past year has been to go underground this summer. The stock price has basically found a floor around .04 cents, so why not go silent on investors and do a shake out while the company gears up behind closed doors. From what I am seeing they are still actively hiring positions for both Fobi and Passcreator, and the money from that has to come from somewhere. Also, if you do some digging its easy enough to find they have some new business relationships that they have yet to PR. The PP is still a big mystery, but if they play their cards right then they have the advantage to come out swinging just as small caps are starting to pick up momentum. I'm more impressed with the restraint to not brag up the company's smallest accomplishments, which has been Fobi's way previously. Maybe they did learn a thing or 2 from comcast afterall.