The problem with "weightings" Experienced: Nice buy at an 8% discount to the NAV.
I put in a bid at $12.38 and didn't get filled because I was too greedy and missed out by $0.02. Just as well as I'm already overweighted.
The problem with "weighting" is how do you decide what is too much or too little. I loaded up in the $11.00 range (I remember posting about a 14% yield paid monthly being too good to pass up on what is essentially a granny stock) and then decided that I had enough.
I have now watched the price move up $1.50 per share and missed out on almost a year of dividends If I had bought more shares at the time, my adjusted cost base on those shares would be about $9.60 per share by now which would be pushing the current ROI up over 16%. Another way to look at it would be that the total return would be about 30% in a year. Not bad for an investment that never gives me a moment of anxiety. Note that I keep score on a daily basis to make sure that I don't get caught up in the Middlefield games which can give anyone anxiety.
The only relevent question is what is the total return going to be in the next 12 months? Will it be another 30%? I think so, but the market doesn't care what I think.