Absolutely InsanePlease somebody tell me how this management group keeps getting away with shareholder dilution on a regular basis. Why are the securities regulators not putting a stop to this nonsense? Just go back and read the press releases for the past couple of years, unreal what management has done and what they are proposing now.
This management group took it upon themselves to list on the nasdaq exchange, pay the incredibly high listing fees and for what they can't even sustain the minimum share price requirement to stay listed in good standing. They certainly can't do it through normal business contracts, so low and behold they want shareholders to approve another substanial share consolidation. This is unbelieveable, there is zero protection for investor money.
They canceled the first special meeting and extended the deadline to try and garner enough votes to push this consolidation through. Today's press release is laughable at best, trying to paint a rosey picture on the business front. When will management teams like this one be held accountantable for their actions?