No Ucore News after Adamas Intelligence Conference They are clearly going to wait until after the election. Between November 5th (start of maganomics 2.0) and November 28 (turkey day) we should hear some news and see major stock price action.
As your wise Professor Rapid, I would like to give the class a test to see if they are prepared for what is to come. I am calling upon the newest member of the class, Rubenaken.
Fill in the blanks "Half @ ____, then half @ ____". If you answer correctly, I will give you a thumbs up.
P.S. Doesn't everyone like my new avatar, the Mask? I know Pip is a HUGE Jim Carey fan-- thinks Dumb and Dumber is maybe the greatest movie ever made. Or did everyone prefer my other smilely face avatar? Let me know your views on this, as this is VERY IMPORTANT.