TONNAGE ( upper / lower )Searched several weeks for bsk's 2019 pea.
Out of nowhere... it suddenly appeared online - other eve - smiles.
2019 pea speaks of - 2 mineralized lenses PDF Upper - redox
Lower - oxide
Haven't read bsk's new 2024 pea -
shudder the thought of using - New Sedar format - prefer older Sedar.
I'm sure others would agree... hrnce happy i've found 2019 online.
Besides... tonnage decreased since 2019 yet.... how much more drilling 2019 - 2024 ?
Have a look at image # 5 Scale shows 10 km
I figure that scale line would be very close to U length of deposit - no outliers.
And... i'll peg it about 1 km wide average.
I'll combine both lenses I'll be very modest and give a total of 2 meters of mineralized material.
Only factor visual mineralized tonnage. ( 1 meter upper 1 meter lower )
Yes... very, very modest.
With 2.5 ore weight.
If i recall.... 2019 pea upper = 0.016% lower = 0.036%
Lower had
majority tonnage I'll even use an extreme modest blend
0.26% average grade ( combine both lenses divide by 2 )
10,000m L x 1,000m W x 2m thick x 2.5 ore weight
= 50,000,000 tonnes
x 0.026% U
= 13,000 tonnes U
x 2200 ( convert to lbs )
28,600,000 mil tonnes ( hypothetical ) That's just 2 meters.
No low grade outliers.
Now.... let's bring forward - rocks greater than 100 um - smokey calcite or quartz**
green crystal rock**
red fleshy rock** ( phosphates )
Let's now gaze at bsk photos ( image # 4 ) <-----------
each appear to qualify as redox ( able )
washing redox oxide off sounds great.....but,
how much more uranium is with in the rock ?
lack of
acid and water with in deposit would prevent further redox
more mineral content potential with in each rock **
Ore characterization study would tell all.
Ore character each meter from each drill hole - downhole.
Rock mineral value There's also a healthy carbon content deposit ( carbonic acid ) converter / catalyst
Which could be contributing to uranium carbonate - not just redox oxides.
2019 pea eludes to,
hydrated uranium.
Also known as solid solution ( uranyls bound in crystal rocks** )
As mentioned, there's an upper redox value and lower oxide value
= why not a 3rd category = solid solution.
= it would involve testing each crystal rock type
= fully solubilize
= % content
Expand the image in new window
i do see several green rocks that have patially redoxed - precipitating uranium
= wash off.... how much more would the green rocks offer in acid soak leach ?
= green rocks, smokey, fleshy.
Note: satellite image on google + map carta was great few weeks ago scanning Ivana.
Not now... filters changed most everything to aqua green.
But.... i can still see deep green crystal rock dotted about surface everywhere...
Where Avena drilled and where Ivana's 2019 peaa shows expansion towards NE
up small channel with two shoilders aside eastern larger salar.
Green rocks are all in the channel which water path heads right towards Ivana deposit.
What's a rough tonnage estimate accounting all ores for Ivana ?
10,000m L x 1,000m W x 25m D x 2.5 ore weight
625,000,000 million tonnes
= 12x the tonnage of my hypo figure above using a modest 2m
How many tonnes of ( green, smokey, calcite clear or quartz ) still mineralized
= could be milled -
= xxxx tonnage ? ( from 625 million tonnes )
= more potential resource Not investment advice.
Simply factoring all facets to see how much more Ivana could offer via optimizations.
Lots of green crystal rock redoxing. ( green crystal changes to
yellow /
lime green Clear crystal and red fleshy offer a redox too.... while
smokey not as much.