Shorters still in controlNo pop yet. They are powerful and are playing long game. They have the cash to ride out a temporary spike but a what point do they capitulate? Both oil and BTE shorters. ATH has big short as well. Israel seems to want to have wanted to wait until after Oct 7th. Makes sense. Haifa being hit only makes it worse for Iran. They are the mothership of all of this. Does Israel hit the new port? I would. Until Iran pays a price they do not want to pay this will continue. Small escalation will just lead to more bloodshed and turmoil for world. Biden has old man syndrome. He forgets what he wanted in Iraq with McCain. It would have settled things down and the Kurds would have had their state. Now he is a pacifist. If Iran hits back again Biden is done and so is Harris. She so desperately is trying to save the vote in Michigan in Dearbord area she forgets they will never vote for Trump. Netty knows if Trump gets in it means curtains for Ukraine but also curtains for Iran. What a mess. Meanwhile BTE edges up every day. When does the pop happen? Oil is over $77 right now. BTE should be at least $4.70. Lets see what Asia thinks tonight. . What a mess. Two old farts as last two presidents and a full fledged pacifist before them. Peace through strength has kept the world safe for 80 years. 2025 could be a mess. GLTA