66 2/3 for AECTo vote yes for this deal to go threw,i think that it will not happen, it is simply to cheap, only 50 +1 %for ISO, to vote yes, the vote is like in DEC. lots of time for a new offer, and share holders to DO THE MATH, and mosty the price of uranium to take off. 1,000,000 lb`s of uranium x $100 is $100,000,000.... U.S. and AEC has 43 million lb`s in multipul mines + A MILL sooooo yes this uranium market has no sense of it`s worth..but this is changing now and soon $$$$. ISO is trying to take atvantage of AEC before it is to late , lets see if it woks. IMO PS, AEC has sat on this for years....so why sell right at the beginning of the bigest bull run uranium will ever have? why corey?