RE:RE:RE:A Must for Quebecers
Hmm? Are you suggesting NanoXplore's Vice-President of Corporate development, Pierre-Yves Terrisse, is actually genuinely attempting to entice the broader equity invstments community interest in perhaps taking up their respective equity investment position here with NanoXplore?
I do consider that to be a positive and absolutely phenomenal demonstrated change in attitude on the part of NanoXplore representatives s2000duck.
After all, I previously received the distinct sense that NanoXplore representatives had little to no use for the attracting of and keeping of the interest of anyone other than the representatives of those 50% of the largest single GRA.T equities holders, i.e. specific NanoXplore stakeholders previously emphasized by Mr. Soroush Nazarpour during that particular NanoXplore quarterly conference call as the only parties he seemed interested in gaining and maintaining support from.
That particular day, Mr. Nazarpour definitely came across as intentionally wanting to successfully unceremoniously defecate into the cornflakes, so to speak, of those representing a whole crosssection of both retail and institutional NanoXplore equities investors.
Those intentionally rebuffed and clearly made to be dissatisfied NanoXplore shareholders returned the unpleasant favor by way of concertedly steadily shorting the living snot out of NanoXplore shares afterward, this whist concertedly dumping their NanoXplore shares over a prolonged period.
Alas, all this ultimately culminating in the dropping of NanoXplore as a constituent of the MSCI Canada Small Cap Index, the consequent arriving of the NanoXplore share price at that CAD$1.87 52 week low and NanoXplore having to enact a normal course issuer bid just to staunch the potentially incessant bleeding of the GRA.T share price.
Pray tell. Are you suggesting the author of the article you are aluding to or his/her employer was or is to be somehow compensated for having performed such NanoXplore relating "promotional service"?
Clearly, there is nothing at all wrong with forms of compensation being provided by NanoXplore in exchange for "promotional services" having been rendered by the authors of such promotional articles, on behalf of their respective employers and the equities issuer clients of their respective employers, e.g. NanoXplore.
You are correct. There is nothing altruistic in "the equities investments advertising business world.
By the way, I've found that absolutely no amount of monies or any other form of compensation being provided in exchange for advertising services rendered for and on behalf of any equities issuer can rival the immensely positive impact on the NanoXplore share price that would be resulting from a specific kind, quality and quantum of company "tangible deliverables" development news being publicly disseminated by way of a NanoXplore press release or press releases.
You can pay for articles to be written featuring information about NanoXplore planning to do this or NanoXplore planning to do that; and yet, without the follow-up company press release or press releases conveying the successful achievement of company "tangible deliverables", "the Street" wouldn't bother paying much attention to the mere yammering of some paid media representative.
It's as that old lady depicted in that hamburger commercial was known to say "where's the beef!"
"The street" representatives are always interested in the real "beef"; not the mere illusion of real beef.