Deep thoughts about insider buys part 3Having been a penny player for many a year,and one gets to know if insider buys are good or bad as in many a case insiders buy a few shares to fool buyers into thinking that insider buying is a sign to load up.Not always so folks as many believe do as the insiders do and your on your way to riches and only to see failure.
As I said in my past posts I said it's a tool to confirm my buys or sells.
In this case with PTX it tells me I have made a good choice in my decision .Here's why. With this stock even with the roll-back insiders also took a hit.They were buying heavy before hand [roll-back ] and are now also back buying big.These insiders are buying big lots@ example 100k@.075 as they like I believe in their company.
That's a big investment on their part spending thousands of dollars not a few hundred dollars like the pump and dumpers.
This is my own thoughts and it's up to YOU to make your own decision on your own experience as this to be true or false. The cyclical nature of the market is the second most important thing that you have to know after psychology
Thou shalt understand the market and it's psychology buy low sell high