RE:Harris wants Cannabis Legal on Federal Level !!She is losing bad 1 hot, when Trump came out with legalization of the plant some time ago...besides being ridiculous today with the info available and most of the pop grew up with it when it was not legal and now it is near overly relaxed to the point that it is the fentanyl mule of choice??
The plant is generating more positive every day some where and they have probably barely scratched the surface? The Med side is just starting to learn by the sound of it? Big R&D coming and it won't happen over night by the sound of it....there is much to learn yet?
The open borders and fentanyl did more damage than enough...then there is the eradication of the middleclass? is not a winner and never will be!!
Kammy is not the 'key' here for the Dems and we are all lucky for that...reducing the US/ NA to 3rd world status is not going to fly with folks, no matter their political stripe.
Everyone needs to do their DD and buy, sell or hold accordingly. JMHO...Opt