New Investment Avian Flu - Again@TNickels et al,
I'm in agreement with your recent thoughts about Avian flu. IMO, the shortest amount of time to revenue is through animal applications. My expectations are to see increased attention/development to create an indication for animal(s). Government has already recognized the potential disaster, and need a virus or solution to mitigate animal-animal or animal-human transmission. Be it partnership, license agreement or partial ownership to further human studies in inhanced chemotheropy, or our NSCLC or GBM cancer applications for Ruvidar/Ruthenium. THIS IS WHAT GOVERNMENTS ARE INTENDED TO ADDRESS. Protect the citizenry.
Bumped From 090324 -
I can't figure out why/how Health Canada has not become involved with huge grants. The potential to avoid catastrophy and significant human suffering is overwhelming.
Propose a license agreement with HC for avian flu development. The poultry industry produces more than 800 million dozen eggs annually. Turkey and chicken production is over 1.5 Billion kilos annually. There are more than 2,000 registered chicken farms and over 500 turkey farms in Canada. Ontario and Quebec both have near, or over 600 chicken farms. Sell the potential to avoid a clear catastrophy and show some public investment to protect the food supply.
Roger, please approach the appropriate government agency that regulates poultry.
GLTA. Regards, BK.