Down 6%on relatively high volume. Glad I don't own this stock.Two of the busiest posters for years( Developbc and ScienceFirst) have both been gone for a year now. They must have seen something after so many years of fruitless pumping.Now we have not heard from Bcontventures for a record 3 days,Thinksbig for a record 4 days and Trader55 for a record 4 days ( although that was his new handle). Is this a continuing trend and these guys have finally seen the light? Are there more rats jumping ship? Could it be the 3 years of declining revenue or is it the missed timelines? Or is it some reason yet to be announced? No I don't own shares here now,(I exited profitably long ago) but I post because I have been insulted many times here and I have come to enjoy getting some pumpers riled at my posts.So have at it!