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Superior Plus Corp T.SPB

Alternate Symbol(s):  SUUIF

Superior Plus Corp. is a Canada-based distributor of propane, compressed natural gas, renewable energy and related products and services. Through its primary businesses, propane distribution and CNG, RNG and hydrogen distribution, it delivers clean burning fuels to residential, commercial, utility, agricultural and industrial customers. Its segments include U.S. Retail Propane Distribution (U.S. Propane), Canadian Retail Propane Distribution (Canadian Propane), North American Wholesale Propane Distribution (Wholesale Propane) and Certarus Ltd. (Certarus). The U.S. Propane segment distributes propane gas and liquid fuels primarily in the Eastern United States and California, as well as the Midwest to residential and commercial customers. The Canadian Propane segment distributes propane gas and liquid fuels across Canada to residential and commercial customers. The Wholesale Propane segment distributes propane gas and other natural gas liquids across Canada and the United States.

TSX:SPB - Post by User

Post by himmleron Oct 16, 2024 7:01pm
Post# 36269092


NegativityI don't get it on this BB.In case people forgot this is a utility.And I don't know about anybody else, but I know that as a utility SPB is cyclical. Propane and the like,does well in winter( when it's cold..get it?
Obviously many here do not.If we get a cold winter up we go...and if it's a warm one it's down.Very simple.
As for a dividend cut...not likely this year.Thats nonsense. TD? better concentrate on paying their billions in fines rather than offering opinions that seem to change with the wind.
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