Drew Anwyll Engineer Appointed, Great NewsElaine has added a second engineer to the project. The first experienced engineer was a past employee of Omai Gold mine while it was in operation and the addition of a second experienced mining engineer who was a senior Vice President for technical services at Detour Gold Corporation, where he led the strategic work associated with long term planning, exploration, technical and operational oversight of the large Detour Lake gold mine.
Mr. Anwyll is a mining engineer with over 25 years of international experience in operations start-up, construction, and project management of both open pit and underground mines which will help accurately implement the upcoming new mining plan and economic study which should include a new mineral update for Wenot and Guilt Creek underground mine. Prior to this role, he was VP operations and mine General Manager at Detour during the construction and initial start-up of the mine. This new appointment really brings Omai closer to a potential take out by a major in my opinion or partnering with a major to bring this mine into production. When Elaine mentioned in her most previous interview that she wanted to see this mine into production by 2027, I can see it potentially happening.
Very positive news update.