RE:WRLG.NT.UFrom my WRLG.NT.U post of 9/29/24:
"How many notes are in a WRLG.NT.U? Are they priced like bonds, i.e. per $100 of base price?"
And from my Re:WRLG.NT.U post the same day:
"Just checking TSX, they show: WRLG.NT.U Listed Shares Out 27,165.
Does this mean that a $US1000 gold-linked unit yielding 12% interest, and with a bonus payment in cash for gold price over $1800 is selling for $C105.00.?
I don't think so.
And that 50,000 of them traded on 9/27? Trade value $C5,250,000?
Only 27,165 'units' were sold in the original offer, each containing 1000 'notes'.
Exactly what does a WRLG.NT.U trading symbol represent?"
I never did get an answer from WRLG, but they recently added WRLG.NT.U to their stock and warrant page. The unsecured gold note is priced like a bond, price per $100, implying that 5,000 WRLG.NT.U is actually 5 of the original units. Last trade was at 101.50 - TSX shows "NBBO bid/ask 102.75/125.00". The quote on TSX implies a $CDN price but NBBO is an SEC US term so the price seems it to be in USD, though that's not specified. I tried looking up the price on Investorline, but they don't show the listing, and I'm checking with them about it. It doesn't show on Yahoo US or Canada either.
If the quote and trades are in $USD, the bid/ask would be about $CDN140/170. Considering the 12% yield on declining balance and the 'bonus' payment based on the base price of $US1800 gold, and the progressive quarterly payment rather than waiting for maturity it still seems to be heavily discounted - from a layman's, not a financial professional's point of view anyway.
Does anyone else's broker show the listing?