RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Reality BitesI post for myself.........and public interest. No other accoutns!!! It seems that you lump everyone together as one poster who is not pumping and cheering on the neverending Cunninghsam saga!!!!!!!!!
Anyone know how much AMK Eric has bought since deal was announced 5 months ago?????? Apparently 0.00 shares. None at 17 cents, 34 cents, 27 cents...............well, ya get the idea. If he believed in it, itd free money!!!!! Hes got endless capital to deploy on a relative basis from the looks of it. Yet no insider trading reports filed showing that he has bought.
all imho.......
GoldDigger60 wrote: Conspiracy??? You and your tickle trunk or user names is real. You are bashing and manipulating for a reason. Are you working for SEA? Are they really scared of something coming up?