Is This The Last Nail of the PlanIt is really starting to look like all the other startups that the finance guys let hang themselves.
The final straw for me is the plan to use the money to give to procon. They are experts in spending the budget, not necesarily about helping the company.
I would feel more comfortable with a alternative kind of financing to get a crew of employees working on the development of the access and developement of a mining workforce.
Their plan sounds familiar,,, PGM,,, Harte,,, Kemess,,, Norzinc,,, PMAC,,,Minto,,,continued.
1. Get some bankers involved. They want the property.
2 lie about the actual costs involved. Spend all the money
3 start the mill without any ore
4 continue without any miners on board or actually employed. Executives from a copper miner at a narrow vein gold resource don't count. A couple of old shifters and geo's from abititi area would be better.
5 Last, check the second sentence of this post.
The debt holders get the property, stockholders get nothing. plan realized.