Future is not knownThe value of this property would be calculated by knowing the number of mineable ounces of gold and the cost of mining and refining these ounces. At present we have no idea of either the cost nor the number of ounces. The drilling continues to expand the area with mineralization. At the same time the selling price of gold has increased significantly. Both of these indicate an increasing value, however we do not have an estimate of the AISC so we can not calculate the potential profit. And of course we would have to guess at the selling price of the gold once refined and also the interest rate during all the time from investing in developing the extensive property. This might explain why the stock price is languishing. All that can be said is that the number of mineable good ounces around the world is decreasing and that the amount of money keeps on increasing as countries keep going further in debt. All the gold mined in 2024 I will approximately equal to 50 days of the USA deficit. I believe this property will produce millions of ounces of gold at a profit. No idea of either number.