Has Ryuichi really scuppered Alain, Alex, Brian, Filipe I've seen some commentary that Isaka, by splitting the company into two, may have scuppered the deal once and for all. I think its possible to take an opposing stance. He may have actually simplified the bidders' task.
Bouchard's focus has always been the depanneurs and not the 31 other tchotchkas that are being split away. If the Japanese govt intervenes for
"national" concerns, the bid can be further narrowed to 711s ex-Japan.
I imagine the ATD team will have a better grasp for a cleaner offer.
The amount will be considerably smaller than the $47B or so which seems to be scaring some shareholders. Anyway, that's my take and I am looking to add.
Of course the bigger challenges are in the realm of disappearing tobacco and gas customers, but that is another matter.