New DataThe better half is up in the spa so I thought I would pass along some more info. There is a right wing media company that is about to release data on all republicans and dems running for office for prez,vice prez and the senate. It will be the percentage of lies each has said during this election cycle. So I will give you two examples and when it comes out all can go look for themselves. Trump lies 98.3% of the time, Harris lies 13.1% of the time. The average lies by republicans is 86.8% of everything they say, the average for dems is 15.2% of the time.
Another bit of info for ya here is trump tariffs, so lets look at tv's most are imported, trump says he will put a 60% tariff on all imported tv> How do tariffs work. We will use Best Buy as an example, they order 10,000 tvs from say china, China sends them the tvs, at the import station at the port a tax of 60% of the total cost is added to the clearance bill which Best Buy pays ( not china ) those tvs are then sent to each store and the price of each tv is jacked up 60% so if it was sold for 1000 bucks before the new price would be 1600 bucks that each U.S. consumer pays. This will cause massive inflation. When you look at big tickes items the taxes are off the charts.