RE:RE:RE:RE:New DataMy god man just google it and see the truth not what some for right wing media spinning their cherry picked version of the data.
More new data on voting, it's estimated by the end of the day there will be 45 million plus votes cast in early voting. Of that 63% will be women ( women are comming out in massive numbers } blasting through past records. The young voters are out in numbers not seen before with 87.2% being dem. The number of men is about the same as in past elections.
Based on this new data the number crunchers are saying this will be a record turnout year and heavy turnouts always favour the dems.
To date 73.4% of women that have cast their ballot, went to the dems, 81.3% of the young vote went to the dems.
It's hard to see where the republicans will find enough votes to overcome this it's only compounding on them as the days go by and now with all the republicans casting their vote to the dems ( 20.2% of the early republican vote ) It's all comming crashing down on the old wanna be dictator.