Only a fool will think that tensions are over...I can date myself from the late 1950's so I have seen alot and our family landed in US in 1647 so we've been through a lot. I remember back in the 1960's we started importing from Japan because it was cheaper that was the first nail in the auto industry then in the 1960's we started to industrialize China when they were poorer than most Afican countries so that we could have sweat shops and cheap toys and clothing the start of ending the US industry and since then over 60 years our money has built China into a powerhouse that is now powerful enough to turn on us, and now we're doing the same with India, did you know that China didnt start building highways till 1988, all this global unrest is our fault and if Trump wants to make the US strong again then stop buying oversea krap. Remember Desert Storm when over 600 Oil wells were burning for 10+ months all that soot into our atmosphere 5 mil barrels burning a day until Canadians start started putting them out, Middle East has always been at war with eachother over the centuries and will continue so if anyone thinks that the Iran / Israel tension are over is a joke until they restock weapons they will attack Israel again, an I for an I, I think most reporters are in their 40's or 50's and havent seen enough in their life. You can't read the news without warships being positioned or subs, nuclear testing, drone warfare, Nostradamus said that there would be a 3rd Antichrist in comes Trump and the war to end all wars would start in the Middle East even in the US we show maps and what States would be targeted with nukes, just because Israel didnt hit any Oil infrastructure doesnt mean it wont still happen maybe a team will be sent to sabotage it, like 9/11 they came in our house and we trained them everything is fair game so Oil is what the world will fight over so I can't see Oil heading much under $65, today India evacuated the Canadian Embassy because of tensions with Canada and now China and India just formed allies, if the war ever starts it will be China, Russia and North Korea against US, Britain and Canada. My father and 4 brothers were in Europe for 4 years fighting Germany and to the new generation, they couldnt call home, they didnt live in houses they were in ditches outside for 4 years all weather, today its too easy to fight eachother and thats a problem. Going long with Oil and thats my rant.