Numbers within the numbers400k 18 year olds registered to vote to date, 3.9 million first time voters from the age of 19 to 22 have registered to vote, the 18 year olds registered 93% dem, the 19/22 year olds registered 91% dem to date 81% of them have voted. There are 500k Puerto Rican voters in PA, 750k in Florida and 200k in MI.
I couldn't believe what the back lash was for the trump rally in msg so I watched it from start to finnish and I now understand what the back lash was all about. I have never seen such a vile hate filled rally in my life before this rally was just as hatefull and the natzi rally in msg in the mid 1930's. This was ugly real ugly and you can take it to the bank the Puerto Ricans that have not voted yet in all states will now vote Dem. Man that was ugly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!