BlackBerry Zigged when it could have ZaggedJaune Chien ran the company like a king.
Why? Because the BoD gave him the contract to do so that contained a poison pill almost assuring they would not use it as it became too expensive once the kink of BB bought the white elephant that needed another $2B to become relevant.
Gone When drove the company down a long one way street wtihout exits, little revenue opportunities until the markets matured. The sad part of his reign is he went all in and were it not for the end of his second contract would have spent the company into oblivion with nothing to stop him... he had spend the treasury chasing his bonus.
His bonus would either come from execution of his engineering architecture or option No. 2 that he chased the last 18 months... spend it into a sale situation triggering a complete, read, full bonus payout and give Fairfax a 20% bump on its Debenture.
BB was driven into the ditch purposely by the chef exit oof ice r, Plan A or Plan B did not matter, he began with altruism but finished up with a truly blood and guts Steet drive actions, truly Machiavellian.
JJG appears to have achieved his first years bonus objectives to end the cash burn, show profitability. The second part that both he and Mattius have been at for a few years now is turn products into sales... I believe the QNX will deliver, it is a matter of all the other pieces fitting together.
Aggressive sales tactics are now demanded and look deliverable.