Fear mongering script launched by the short sellers What is fear mongering?
It is the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue. The party initiatiting the fear campaign seeks to take advantage of those who are naive enough to believe and act on their unchecked emotions at their own expense. Short sellers sell shares short hoping they can pick them up later for almost free so when the time to cover their short positions comes the leeches start spreading rumours of imminent bankruptcy and troubles ahead to convince shareholders to sell the shares that they covet. The shareholders loss is their gain so like any snake oil salesman they want to instill urgency and rush you into panic selling. You need to act now they say. Investing is about more than just a few quarters but time is against them so their unsolicited and free consulting advice for the clothing store is to only sell winter coats at the hottest time of summer.
Remember the story of the fox trying to convince the crow to sing to eat his cheese?
Short story: A crow has cheese a fox wants. The fox asks the crow to sing. It does and drops the cheese.
« Thank you » said Master Fox sweetly, as he walked off. “Though it is broken, you have a voice sure enough. But where are your wits?”
Short sellers live at the expense of those who will listen to them. If you want to keep your cheese, do not trust strangers giving you free and unsolicited advice.