I don’t expect news until A day or two before the MTX AGM. As they have to have something positive to deflect the hostility for having nothing for the mtx shareholders other than a financing at a penny or two. Nothing on SA, nothing on Morocco, nothing on U2, nothing on the Scandium. Just a mini grab sample in Quebec which the hunt for the flavour of the day will be years away from a return on our investment / gamble. We will have a Yukon drill program unless we have a buy out, which is what I prefer, otherwise we face more dilution. Yes Chuck will probably subscribe to the financing because he may want the tax credit. If we have a JV deal our share price will continue to be under a dollar. I'm sure any interested Major would prefer not to have to deal with our clown management. Wish I would have had the heads up advice to sell at $7.00 like Jennifer did. Wonder where she got that advice from?? It's hard to keep the faith in Chuck.