BBD analysts SP targets (really at 61$, lets be serious!)Analysts targets: low 61$ can you take this number to publish an average??? BBD will lost more then 50% of is SP??? Taking 61$ or 10$ its the same, its irrevelant (irrevelant as 99,99% of odds its not gonna happen!!!). Lasts analysts ( targeting from 6 to 8 months from now) are more in the 130$ average, but even the lowest targets of them have been already achieved (BBD reach 113$ lately), irrevelant to. Now, lets take the most recent analysts, thats bring more reasonable discussion. BBD in 2025, if ''business going as usual'' (if!, but BBD seem to reach his targets easely and more), when compare with its peers, the SP target can reach 200$ during 2025 and it will be compare with its peers BECAUSE BBD its better then any of those peers, any one, no comparason. From now, at this ridiculous SP at 105$, seeing a double for its SP, its a easely and more then reasonable target in 2025. BBD becoming a 1 billion / year profit company (and more), targeting BBD at 12$ pre split, seem to me, a reasonable SP during 2025, because BBD reach it in the ''past''. BBD more then double this year (so far)...piece of cake, it will double SP ''during 2025'' ...GLA Long!!! Dirlida data Doom!