Extreme Undervaluation of DSVAccording to the DSV website at $32/oz Ag prices reached back on Oct 4/24 of this year the NPV of Cordero reaches $2.3B US. With just over 400M shares out the per share valuation would be $5.54 US/sh or about $7.60 Cad/ sh. A fully permitted project would be valued anywhere from 75% to 100% or $5.7 to $7.60 Cad per share for a take over price from a buyer.
And that's at just $32/oz Ag prices. As Ag prices have broken out from that $32.50 ceiling many experts are now predicting that $50 Ag prices are locked in in the next few months. What will DSV be worth once its permitted when Ag prices hit $50 next year. Tremendous upside opportunity imho. I'm buying more shares on these dips LOL.