Thoughts on Client CSome thoughts on Client C and that they could be ArcelorMittal.
From the Q3 Results/Update, regarding Client C (this is found under Business Line Developments, Near Term 0 - 3 months):
CLIENT C Client C, a third global market-leading client who the Company previously identified as one "who is not only a significant player in the iron ore pelletization industry but is also a major player in the steel industry", has been working with PyroGenesis over the past few years on various potential initiatives related to using plasma for decarbonization. Recently, PyroGenesis was awarded official supplier status to Client C, as part of an impending initiative. The Company will have more information on this in the upcoming weeks. With live pelletization furnace plasma trials (with Client B) continuing, as the latest development with Client C renews their commitment to investigating plasma, and as new interest from other entities appears, the Company believes its position relative to both the steelmaking and iron ore industries remains very strong. The early publicity and research results surrounding plasma's potential for use in iron ore pelletization opened the doors to these and multiple other industries for furnaces and high heat applications that the Company believes will ultimately far surpass the specific pelletization application. And from a recent article in Lapress: In the article, ArcelMittal references using an Electic Arc Melting Furnace.
The Outlook/Update coincides with the testing involved in this NR from April 2024: PyroGenesis Canada signs energy transition contract with leading global steelmaker Note this from the NR: "
The steelmaker will assess the applicability of PyroGenesis’ fully electric plasma torches for use in the steelmaker’s manufacturing facilities as a primary heat source in the steelmaking process. Specifically the assessment will examine the use of the plasma torches during the production of direct reduced iron (DRI) for use in electric arc furnaces (EAF). "
Looking forward to the upcoming updates on Client C.