"Gold is driven by factors bigger than Trump” "Gold is driven by factors bigger than Trump” says Jim Rickards, New York Times bestselling author, adding that while this recent dip may be short-lived, he expects gold to strengthen significantly over time (Source: https://x.com/ITMTrading/status/1854277947294933223)
Increasing the total area to 22.9 square miles with notable gold mineralization including grades between 0.3 g/t to 1.57 g/t and silver up to 5 ounces per tonne within one of the largest hydrothermal alteration zones in Nevada, Borealis Mining (BOGO.v) provides a unique gold opportunity as it focuses on restarting its fully permitted Gold Mine in Nevada: https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/1gf90oz/today_borealis_mining_expands_fullypermitted/
Posted on Behalf of Borealis Mining Company Ltd.